Decreasing perinatal mortality in the Netherlands, 2000-2006: a record linkage study J Epidemiol Community Health 2009;63;761-765
Is er een trend in de perinatale stefte in Nederland? Zo ja. kan deze trend door risicofactoren voor perinatale sterfte verklaard worden? Logistische regressie analyse op basis van de gegevens uit de gekoppelde LVR1, LVR2, LNR registratie
Perinatal mortality among singletons declined from 10.5 to 9.1 per 1000 total births in the period 2000-2006. This trend remained significantly after full adjustment and was present in both fetal and neonatal mortality. The decline was most prominent among births complicated by congenital anomalies, among premature births (32-36 weeks) and among term births. Home births showed the lowest mortality risks.
Dutch perinatal mortality declined steadily over this period which could not be explained by changes in known risk factors including high maternal age and non western ethnicity. The decline was present in all risk groups exept the very premature births.